AI ain't got đź’© on this

Just in case a lot of people are still chatting about AI…

And trying to scare people about it…

I want to present some refreshing evidence that people are prioritizing real, in person connections and communications…

And that they’re doing so in droves.

The book club I mentioned on Saturday…

It had the highest attendance of that book club ever…

Real people getting together in person - to discuss a book they read…

Most of them put $$ down for a physical copy…

(I spent $60 after the meeting on the next month’s books)..

Written by a real person who likely didn’t use AI to write the book.

To me this says…

People are craving real stories from real people in droves.

And they want physical, in-person community with people they have things in common with.

They’re thoughtful about their purchases and who makes the products.

And at the book club…

Our organizer mentioned a sister book club in Richmond VA..

It’s so popular that 70 people show up to their club meetings.

They get 70 introverts to pay $$ for physical books and show up to chat about them…

With likely dozens more who read the book, wanted to come, but didn’t show up to the meeting.

Even more interesting:

My club is still figuring out which books to read..

Because everyone likes different subgenres…

So we continue to niche down further and further.

These are unique niches that the general public doesn’t align with..

And our slack channel is full of dozens of people who resonate with these books.

My point here is that more specialized and exclusive niches are likely going to continue..

We are probably still in a very early period of exploring niches..

With real people wanting real stuff that reflects their actual life and experiences…

Stuff that is authentically (and often locally) made.

The January book for my club is by an Austin writer…

Who is going to show up to the club meeting..

Sign books, take pics and chat with us..

That’s something you can’t get with AI.

And it’s what people want.

Community and connection remain as important as ever - perhaps even more so now.

AI is great but don’t be fooled - you are not going to get “left behind” if you don’t use it…

I mean, if you don’t want to anyway.

If you sit and shriek about it then you might.

But you can build a 6 or 7 figure business with or without it.

In fact, if you can build community and connection then you may even be ahead of a lot of people who use AI..

It all just depends on what your audience values and what they want to pay for.

I hope that provides a critical analysis and small snapshot of what’s actually going on with real people…

And not just what some entrepreneurs and extreme opportunists want you to think.

-Rachelle C Davis

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you…

#1. Join the free “Damn Good Hustle” Skool community.

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