Are you in a book club?

I’m part of a real, in person book club…

And it’s turned into a smash hit in Austin.

So many people showed up to the coffeehouse for today’s meeting…

That we had to move to a private setting down the street.

As 20 of us sat around a table and recounted our thoughts on the book…

It was clear that we all had 20 different reading experiences…

With some different recollections of events in the book.

This is in addition to the very nature of some of the characters..

One of them was dead and his “ghost” narrates some of the book..

At least, it was his ghost as remembered by living characters in the book.

There’s the lesson that our memories aren’t entirely reliable…

And our subconscious continuously updates them..

I also think it’s good to remember how subjective our memories and experiences are…

How you can’t really tell someone their experience is wrong…

And from a marketing standpoint:

When you can validate other experiences and learn what their life is like…

You’re probably more fun to be around…

And people are going to be more understood and likely to buy from you.

As they say - people buy from those they know, like, and trust (aka “KLT”).

Even if it feels weird at first, we can build that “KLT.”

Simply by listening, accepting, and offering value to people based on what THEY find valuable.

So let people be and think how they want - they’re certainly not going to change because of resistance…

In fact, people cling even further to their beliefs when someone comes in and tries to tell them they’re wrong.

You don’t have to do anything… just listen…

It’s so much easier than being mad or offended…

… and more profitable too.

-Rachelle C Davis

P.S. Want to read more books this quarter?

While we don’t have an official book club here in the “damn good” community..

My friends and I have been doing the 30 day journal challenge in our Skool group.

And a few of us have outlined our self development & business reading program…

Everyone has a different program according to their wants.

I’ve scheduled a free Zoom for the end of the month where we can get on a call and share notes with each other.

If you want in, simply join the Skool group (answer all membership questions to get approved)…

And then head over to the post where we posted our reading schedule: