If you can... then you must do this

In partnership with

I know what you’re really here for 😈

It’s not my marketing tips.

And no it’s not that weird stuff I’ve sent you the last few days either.

(Okay a few people may be here for the feet pics)

I don’t think you’re really here for copywriting or marketing or business or profits.

What is it… that thing you want to do…

You might have even thought it was impossible at times.

I want you to stop right now…

And ask yourself if it’s possible.

Don’t worry about whether it’s likely or not.

That’s not what I’m asking.

Is it possible?

Even just a little? In any way, shape, or form?

Can you get just the tiniest crack in the door of possibility?

Really… stop and pause right now.

If the answer is yes… even if it sounds like the hardest thing in the world…

You’ve gotta do it.

You must.

If you can do it… you must do it.

Because the years or decades of pain that may come if you don’t do it…

…may be greater than the pain of you going for it.

That’s what you’re here for…

That’s why you’re on this list…

Just do it.

It’ll be hard and exhausting…

But do you want to sit around and wonder “what if…”

Or do you want to know?

Red pill, blue pill time…

Which one do you choose?


P.S. If you need more branding and content to promote yourself and your goals online…

Check out OpusClip below and hit the link to try out their free trial:

Steal this social growth hack from Nvidia and SaaStr

Short video is the #1 way that brands grow on social today.

But you probably don’t have time for it, right?

Neither do marketers at Nvidia and SaaStr — That’s why they use AI tools that do all the legwork for them, allowing them to post hundreds of shorts and get hundreds of thousands of views.

Here’s their strategy that you can rip:

  1. Start with any of your company’s video assets, like a webinar

  2. Upload it to OpusClip, and the AI will cut it into clips with branded captions, B-Roll, and more

  3. Use OpusClip’s social media scheduler to queue 2-3 clips per day.

  4. Repeat 1 → 3