"I'm broke and can't pay my bills. What do I do?"

Got this great question from another highly esteemed subscriber:

“I want to be an entrepreneur. I don't want to work a 9-5. My problem is my cattery business is not consistent enough for me to pay my bills. I have been using my savings for living expenses and I'm broke.

I don't know what else to do but try to find a part time job. But more likely a full time job since I'm also in debt.

How did you do it? I know you quit and started your email, blogger life to achieve financial freedom.”

Thanks for your email K.B.

You’re clearly on the right path because you’re seeking out the info you need for success.

I bet the cat business is a good business overall to get into…

I know lots of people who need help taking care of their cats when they travel.

The problem with wanting to be an entrepreneur is that you think it’ll be easier than a 9-5…

But it’s often more work until you get the right systems set up..

You sound dedicated and I know once you’re over the hump, you’ll be in a better situation.

It’s tough but it sounds like you will have to buckle down and pull some double duty here..

Because you need cash flow.

Right now it’s the most important thing for you..

You need immediate income - a job - or something like Uber…

If you’re bold enough you could be a stripper per Alex Hormozi’s advice..

I recommend Uber if you can do it.

It’s a life saver for people who don’t always have dependable income.

Have no shame in whatever job works for you.

It’s not about where you’re at right now, it’s about where you’re going.

And then when you’re not at work to pull in cash..

You need to work on the cattery business or whatever other business model you choose.

If you can stay consistent for a year…

And not expect massive results right away…

Then I think you can build a sustainable business.

You don’t have to work 8 hours at your cashflow job and then 8 hours on your business…

It could be 1-2 hours a day on your business...

Or 2-3 hours every other day..

But get consistent and fast - find a groove and workflow for your business.

The more you can just get into a flow with all of your tasks, the better.

You don’t want to feel frustrated and fighting inertia all the time. It sucks.

I know there’s a lot to figure out..

And it may seem intimidating..

But yeah, you are gonna have to hustle.

There’s really no way around it.

It’s why I don’t like to sugar coat it.

I don’t think hustle is a bad word.

Sometimes that’s all you got.

You dug yourself into a hole and you’ve gotta get out of it now.

You don’t have to be some manic speed racer…

You just gotta move with a little more urgency, initiative, and resolve.

Reconsider how you spend your time…

And when it’s time to rest and relax, go just as hard on that.

Speaking of hustle, I’ll be back in my Skool group “Damn Good Hustle” this week..

Drop your questions in the group so others can give their insight on your biz questions.

There is a ton of talent in there.

In the group I also like to dig deeper on some of the topics I cover in my daily emails..

And I have a free mini course that teaches you my “Hustle Cheat Codes” for getting clients and posting content that gets you customers.

Answer all the membership questions to get approved for the group.

It’s all right here:

-Rachelle C Davis