This isn't for everybody

Have you ever met entrepreneurs who act like this:

They must accomplish xyz before they are legit…

Or they must make xyz amount of $$…

Their definition of success is being an entrepreneur…

And it must be done a certain way.

Well, I’ve heard totally different perspectives recently from people who make multiple millions per year.

One was on Thanksgiving with my friend Adrian Brambila…

Who has made a million in a single day…

And he doesn’t think everyone should be an entrepreneur.

The higher risk isn’t right for everyone…

It’s not going to make everyone happy…

And some people should just enjoy their 9-5 job.

I heard Gary Vee on his new podcast..

He basically said something similar.

You’d think they’d have a bias towards entrepreneurship for everybody…

They both teach people how to make $$…

Yet they don’t actually judge folks who have different metrics for contentment.

So if all this “make money” and “business” stuff just doesn’t make sense to you..

And you’ve bounced around so many guru email lists trying to find the right advice…

Maybe you should stick with what you actually like doing.

You can probably monetize it as an income stream, but you don’t have to.

And if you don’t know what what you like to do yet…

Then try out different things.

Stay aligned with your interests.

-Rachelle C Davis