Make email your #1 profit center

So many replies to my email yesterday…

Folks really need help with their email list…

One reader asked, “Just keep it real, what actually works…”

When I told him how to build your list without ads…

He didn’t write back.

Maybe he had to go take a shit…

Or cook for his kids…

But a lot of people don’t write back when I tell them the real real.

It’s not sexy when you’re trying to get in the game.

Frankly, right now I want to talk to players who are already in the game.

Because they’ve already done so much of the foundational leg work…

They know how powerful email marketing is because it brings in revenue right now.

I can come in with my trained eye and tweak a few things…

And often, that automatically brings in significantly more revenue…

…with no extra work on your part…

And without adding any new buyers.

So if that’s you, or anyone you know…

And you want to scale without ads using my “bolt-on revenue system…”

Then I’d like to hop on a quick Zoom with you…

And chat about how I may be able to help you…

Because I’ve helped clients get 50% of all their online sales from email alone…

And those same tweaks also tripled their annual email revenue.

It’s a smart move to make email the #1 profit center for your entire business…

…in a sustainable way that doesn’t rely on the churn and burn of adding new buyers every day.

And for a limited time, I’m doing free consults for email programs that qualify.

Write back with the word “consult” and let’s get a Zoom on the calendar.