Mercury Retrograde can't touch this

We’re in Mercury Retrograde right now..

I found that out on Monday..

Makes sense.

My laptop battery died and it will take a week to fix.

People attempted to steal my car.

I often find things go weirdly during the holiday season.

The world does not run smoothly according to plan, that’s for sure.

But one thing you can count on:

In a week or so..

I will select my top 10-20 emails from 2023..

The ones I sent to my list..

I’ve got at least 150 emails to pick from, if not more than that..

And then I’ll break them down with additional commentary.

I’ll pick apart why it worked..

Or what I was thinking..

Kind of like a “reaction video” for my own emails.

Pre-order the “Best of 2023: Damn Good Emails Collection” until the end of tomorrow.

On 12/21/23 at 11:59 pm CST… you won’t be able to pre-order it anymore.

So head here to place your order:

To all the folks who placed their order already..

Thanks, your order will be fulfilled soon.

-Rachelle C Davis

P.S. If you’re new around here..

And you have no idea if you’d want a collection of my best emails for your 2024 bathroom reading..

Then you can check out a bunch of my past emails at

That’s just a small sampling of all the emails I sent in 2023..

So there’s plenty more where that came from ;)