This is not urgent

A month or two ago..

I talked about the concept of urgency..

Putting a deadline on things.

As much as I believe in this..

Because you can delay goals and timelines forever…

I also recently came across content that argued against urgency.

One entrepreneur said she intentionally does not respond back to emails and messages right away..

Because nothing is truly urgent.

She’s very open about it in her business.

The work will get done and it will be high quality…

But she doesn’t need to give her time away just because people want it.

She argues that urgency is pretty much all made up.

It’s an interesting take on things..

Finding that balance between motivation and forward movement..

And being healthy and in control of your time.

I can see both extremes being true..

You won’t get things done unless you put a deadline on them..

Sometimes a very strict one..

And yet.. is anything actually urgent?

What happens if that thing doesn’t get done today?

… nothing?

Are we all just stressing each other out way too much?

Perhaps the cultures who take it easy and get off work early have something to teach us.

Either way, life goes on.

-Rachelle C Davis