Rachelle's America: A "third world" country?!

Got this yesterday from AJ…

In response to my “can’t find internet out here in the Texas country” email:

I'm surprised!

What you describe sounds like you moved to a "third world"

I had to check your mailing address below your email to confirm your physical address.

It says you're in Austin,TX.

Those of us who live in the "third world" imagine that EVERYTHING is within reach in the US.

After all, it's a Country of milk and honey,right?

That's why people are breaking walls,risking their lives to get there-from Mexico,Venezuela,Africa...etc

So,we have some "third world" places in US?!


You have opened my eyes,Rachelle.

Oh my…

Bless your little heart.

Look, I live in Texas.

This is the beginning of the West:





Lack of Wifi.

The majority of Americans DON’T live in cities.

They live in rural areas.

This is the epitome and heart of America, actually.

Every state here is essentially its own country.

So you have 50 separate countries all “united” as one country.

All fighting each other…

And then coming together against things like bin laden.

What I’m trying to say is…

The USA is very complicated, in so many ways.

We don’t have time to get into all of that.

Most of us here don’t even understand it ourselves…

And we pretend that we don’t see it and don’t know about it.

I recommend you get some more education on the U.S. before you ever visit here, if that’s ever a possibility for you.

But yes, alas…

I can be both city and country at the same time.

Just like I can be some other “contradicting” things at the same time.

But we won’t get into that today either…

As for the internet and limited options, it’s really just a matter of logic.

There are fewer people out here…

Fewer internet towers…

Companies won’t invest in a whole bunch of cell towers out in the boonies…

That’s why there are a bunch more in the city.

But my drive over to this coffee shop gave me so many things I can’t get in a city…

To the point where I routinely want to hop out and take a picture for you.

Like I saw this old 1800s-looking cabin…

With a little stone wall built around it…

They were serious about protecting that cabin fort…

It was like The Alamo meets old Abe Lincoln.

You probably wouldn’t understand, AJ.

And while I’m being a lazy bum about getting my internet set up…

(There are options, ok it’s not that bad)

I do have access to plenty of other goodies:


So there you have it.

Today’s tip:

Make sure you Google the basics before you ask people dumb questions.