Refuse Mediocrity đźš—

I’m unashamed about my Kia..

It was a great value buy back in the day..

Before I became a pro copywriter..

Before I worked with some of the best marketers in the world..

I got almost the lowest interest rate possible..

On a car note that was less than market value…

I know how to find me a DEAL..

It’s been an extremely good and reliable car..

And I don’t have an actual need for a new car yet..

But it probably won’t be a Kia.

The reason why is because they made their cars easily steal-able..

And even with the recall..

Some asshole still tried to steal my car this week.

I had a flashback to a few years ago..

When my back window was smashed..

(Austin gets so hood y’all)

My friend left her backpack full of valuables in plain sight..

I thought she was the dummy..

But looking back..

The thief could have stolen much more than her Macbook..

He could have stolen the whole car!

When I was out driving last week…

I saw a bumper sticker that said “Refuse Mediocrity.”


That’s when your standards…

What you consider acceptable… your norm…

…is about like everyone else’s standards.

Your health? Average.

Your parenting? Average.

Your relationships? Average.

Your passion, your work, your drive, your ambition? Average.

Look, whatever you are doing..

Even if you’re going to break into a Kia..

Make sure you do the damn thing.

Don’t just halfway do it.

That makes me mad.

If you’re gonna try to steal my Kia - then steal it.

You can’t do everything at 110%..

But that doesn’t mean everything should sink down to a mediocre average.

You have to commit to the things you really want..

Otherwise that sh*t is going to be mediocre..

Join me and make “Refuse Mediocrity” your 2024 slogan.

-Rachelle C Davis