Time Machines Are Real

Wow, this is powerful:

I read an article about a guy with a time machine.

He uses it to go into the future…

And overcome some of the biggest crises of our time.

I’ll tell you more about the time machine in a minute.

Let’s talk about what dictates your future.

It’s important context for you to be able to use your time machine properly.

Here’s a historical perspective:

Stories have shaped the fate of civilization.

Because people adopt stories as beliefs…

And go out and behave in accordance with these beliefs.

If you give folks different stories…

They have different beliefs.

They get different outcomes.

That means your identity… your calling… your personality… your style… your bank account… your worldview…

Basically every outcome in your life…

They’re all based on stories… all beliefs driving your behavior.

So what future do you want?

Back to the discussion of your time machine.

Your imagination is your time machine.

Feed your imagination with the right stories (for your desired outcomes).

Because if you default to the stories that get crammed down your throat…

By your timeline… the algorithms… your family… the news… etc etc…

You might be in trouble.

What other people have planned for you is rarely what you really want deep down.

Or what’s best for you.

It’s a little scary, isn’t it?

Realizing how many stories are in your imagination…

That YOU didn’t put there.

Probably most of them.

Maybe even all of them.

I can’t say this is a simple or easy task.

If you’re interested, we can get more into this.

Then hit reply to one of my emails…

And let me know if you want to learn how to use your time machine.

There’s no paid offer here.

Just exploration in my free daily emails.

-Rachelle C Davis