Top 10 Marketing Resources

By popular demand…

Here are some of my favorite resources for marketing:

  1. Your swipe file to give you inspo for new projects… if you don’t have any swipes collected, head to

    For email stuff: One of my email “swipe files” is a separate Gmail account. I use that account to sign up for all kinds of email lists so I can read them, study them, and occasionally get a helpful idea for my own copy.

    This is also a great way to look for clients btw - identify email lists you can help and then form a relationship with them/pitch them.

  2. Facebook groups - it’s really important to get involved in community…

    Facebook is still THE place for certain niches and industries such as copywriting and direct response marketing.

    Plus members are always posting insanely good tips on copy, marketing, and business.

    You’ll also score clients and partnerships here.

    There are too many to count but a few groups I’ve been in lately include:

    -Nothing Held Back

    -The Copywriting Titans

    -Copy Catalyst

    -Big Ticket Super Affiliate Mojo

    -Mindset Mastery

  3. YouTube channels… SO many copywriters and entrepreneurs give away tons of great free advice (besides the obvious, Alex Hormozi).

    Simply listen to some of the most prolific and persuasive entrepreneurs like Gary Vee or Alex to get educated through osmosis.

    I love listening to “podcast style” interviews through shows like Impact Theory, or following around my favorite entrepreneurs and the different shows they go on.

    Their interviews will start to automatically show up in your feed. Train your YouTube and social media algorithms. Go find content that interests you and is helpful for your business goals - the algorithm will do the rest.

    This is why I get a little annoyed when people complain about paid programs. You can quite literally replace a university education for free with YouTube.

    Just ignore everything else and dive deep on what you want to learn about - for free.

    The best education is for you to implement it, get feedback, keep going, and get results.

  4. Old (or new) blog posts from folks who send regular emails like Ben Settle, Justin Goff, Stefan Georgi.

    A lot of these blogs are duplicates from their daily email. So if you weren’t on their list before, you can still get access to some of those past emails.

    Just go to their website or Medium blog. And obviously, sign up for their email lists.

One subscriber A.J. wrote in asking for email marketing resources…

So the next few are focused on that.

I got the hook up!

  1. The Email Agency…

TEA is more focused on e-commerce…

But also covers general direct response and email marketing.

They’ve got a podcast and newsletter, both titled “The Email Revolution…”

And an Email Profits Cheat Sheet.

Get the newsletter at

  1. Troy Ericson

Troy Ericson has a helped a lot of freelancers and companies raise their sales with email…

Check out his free FB/Skool groups and email newsletter.

  1. Ben Settle’s “24-Point Email Marketing Cheat Sheet”

Every new subscriber to his email list gets a copy of this 24 page PDF.

It’s a free copy of the first issue of his Email Players newsletter.

  1. Sean Ferres

Sean helps email copywriters get more clients.

His daily newsletter, social media posts, and YouTube videos are witty and extremely valuable.

Get his free annually updated edition of “Clients on Command” cheat sheet.

He’s a great example of doing a personality based brand… and he drops plenty of copy and marketing tips even if you’re not a freelancer.

9. Zack Zeller’s 7 day sequence

Zack is a go-to for some of my marketing questions…

After running Jason Capital’s multi-million offers as his CEO…

And he’s got a 7 day email sequence he uses to boost his clients’ profits at least 25% within 30 days.

You can swipe his sequence for yourself when you join his free email list.

Just sign up here:

  1. Tutorials and programs from email service providers

ESPs like Klaviyo and Mailchimp (god forbid) have their own training programs.

You can get proficient in the software or advance your existing skills.

That way you’ll be ready when you need them to make you or your client more $$.

These resources are all FREE…

And can make you tons of $$ if you apply them and don’t give up.

You’ll also start to form your own library of your favorite resources…

Which I find fun and fulfilling.

-Rachelle C Davis

P.S. I’d be remiss not to mention my own free resources.

You can read my past posts/emails at

And I have 2 hours of free “cheat codes” to help you get clients or sell more products.

It’s inside my free Skool group, Damn Good Hustle:

Be sure to answer all the membership questions to get accepted…

Then head to the “community” tab once you’re approved.