Vote now for your favorite choice

First of all, shout out to subscriber, D.R.

He may join me inside the “Art of Content” program.

I don’t think he’ll regret it.

Because I had my onboarding call today…

And only 10 minutes into the call…

Zack tweaked my offer to be way more sustainable, scalable and enjoyable for me.

That’s the value of working with a world class marketer.

You don’t have to spend weeks agonizing over your offer…

He can brainstorm a better offer in 5 or 10 minutes.

Ok, on to the rest of this email…

Let me be real with you.

Other than my clients, here’s my biggest focus:

  1. Building this email community

  2. Building the Damn Good Hustle group on Skool

However, these are communities…

This means I need your participation.

Otherwise, I can close the group and focus only on my clients.

I’ll just send daily tips to clients so they get more out of my services.

But based on the emails and DM responses I get…

From both new side hustlers…

As well as experienced business veterans…

And my students scoring retainer clients…

You seem to enjoy my content.

So here’s the deal…

I want to post videos and workshops in the group on all types of helpful stuff...

Stuff like:

-The ebook challenge (write ebooks in an afternoon with AI)

-The ebook challenge part 2 (market your ebook)

-Set up your email list and/or grow it

-Write better, high converting email copy

-Set up your portfolio

-30 Day Journaling Challenge

-Gary Halbert’s Copywriting Challenge (to get good at writing copy, quickly)

And tons of other ideas sitting in my notebook.

I want you to tell me which ones are most important to you right now.

If you don’t see any topics above that resonate with you…

Then I want to know what would help you.

But don’t hit reply to this email…

Go into the Skool group here:

It takes 30 seconds to answer all the membership questions…

Then once you’re approved as a member…

Just head to the “community” tab…

Make a new post and tell me which would help you the most….

You can also post any questions or insights you have right now.

I need to see at least a few people post in there before I shoot any of this content.

Don’t be shy, there are almost 100 rockstars in the group now…

We’ve got all types of people… from brand newbians…

…to folks who have written copy since 2009 and made crap tons of money…

To freelancers and consultants who have worked with Fortune 500 companies…

They’ve all sought my help and assistance to get clients this year.

And I’m here for you too…

Whether you’re a freelancer, affiliate, digital product creator…

Or you want to make more $$ from your email list…

Network… or just hang out…

We’ve even got Zack Zeller in there now ;)

But you’ve gotta find your voice and get active in the group if you want my help.

Head to the Skool group here and drop a post with the 3 topics you want to learn about the most:

-Rachelle C Davis