You're the One

I had a phone consult today with a prospect…

They told me:

Whether we end up starting a project together this month..

Or later this summer…

“You’re the One, Rachelle.”

They don’t want to work with anyone else.

We sure did a lot on the consult.

We identified big opportunities where they’re leaving $$ on the table..

This is all through their email marketing program.

They thought, “How hard can it be to figure it out ourselves?

Let’s all go to YouTube and watch some videos on email marketing…”

But they realized they need an experienced expert to help set up their email program and automations…

So they can bring in the profits they know they’re capable of…

Because right now, dozens of valuable leads slip through the cracks each week the way they have it set up.

I’m telling you all this for 2 reasons:

  1. I want to help make YOU the one people come to… pre-sold… ready to go… they’re not price shopping… they know they want you and only you.

  2. The way we can do this is through your email program, the same way I help my clients.

So stay tuned to my upcoming emails this week…

Because I have a couple options to help you get all the assistance you need with your email program.